The BeSafe Pay API is based on REST. All of the request and responses are based on JSON format.

Every customer has 2 API Keys connected to the account, one for test mode and one for live mode. The live mode API key is enabled only after the customer has completed the company verification.

The test mode API key is available right after login, all of the operation made with the test key will not produce real charges.

Where do I find the API key?

API keys are different for each BSP user, there is a specific page in the configuration menu "Developers" that contains both live and test api key.

Keep keys secure

API Keys are equipped with a large set of privileges, so please - keep them secure. If for some reason you think your API keys have been compromised, ask your customer to invalidate KEYS immediately.

How do I use the API KEY?

The API must be sent in the Authorization HTTP header in every call to the BeSafe Pay API


Only HTTPS communication is allowed

All of the API requests should be made over HTTPS protocol.