Usually, you don't need to send PaymentIntents. We will download reservations from you and process payments based on the rules defined in BeSafe Pay dashboard by the hotel. This way you are not responsible for payments.

In case you want to manage payments yourself you can use the PaymentIntent request to send us payment instructions, we will take care of the rest.

All the PaymentIntent requests must be connected to a reservation. If the provided reservation does not exist in our system the request will be rejected.

BeSafe Pay let you make a different type of actions

  • Authorization
  • Direct Payments
  • Link payments
  • Scheduled Payments

All of those actions are initiated by a PaymentIntent request. The PaymentIntent contains all the information about the action you are about to make (amount, description, type, etc).

When you send a PaymentIntent request to BSP we will return to you a secret key, this key must be used to confirm the payment with a new HTTP call to the "Confirm PaymentIntent service".

Once the payment Intent is confirmed it will be sent to our FIFO queue and when the payment is completed we will call your s2s endpoint with the transaction outcome.


PCI is important

For security reasons you can not send card data along with PaymentIntent request, but you must create a token using the "Card Token Service".


BeSafe Pay - Payment Intent Flow